AUTHORS: Marco Rescigno
PUBLISHING COMPANY: Gruppo Il Sole 24 Ore - Guida alla Contabilità & Bilancio (Guide to Accounting and Financial Statements)
DESCRIPTION: EU Directive 2014/56 on the audit of annual accounts and consolidated accounts was published in the Official Journal of the European Union, as well as EU Regulation no. 537 of 16/04/2014 on the audit requirements for public-interest entities
AUTHORS: Andrea Scafidi, Franco Morganti and Marco Rescigno
EDITED BY: Nedcommunity
DESCRIPTION: Good Governance - Small guide for directors of public companies and entities, in particular those that a Municipality designates as directors in its wholly owned companies or subsidiaries.
AUTHORS: Study group: Daniele Bernardi (Committee Chairman), Claudio Badalotti, Angelo Fiori, Gaspare Insaudo, AnnaMaria Magro, Marco Rescigno, Mario Difino
PUBLISHING COMPANY: Commissione Controllo Societario Milano
DESCRIPTION: Response to consultation on the document: “Guidelines for the organisation of the Board of Auditors in charge of the statutory audit.”
AUTHORS: Various authors
PUBLISHING COMPANY: Giappichelli Editore
DESCRIPTION: Examination of the themes concerning the setting-up of corporate groups, the different types, their organisational structure, and governance, with specific reference to the theme of management and coordination. Analysis of tax issues, of the preparation of the consolidated financial statements of Leg. Decree no. 231/2001.